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THE WHOLE TO BE SOLD WITHOUT THB SLIGHTEST RESERVE WHATEVER. ASD A large quantity of Miscellaneous Goods and Sundries, too numerous to mention. 2 cases Electric Hairbrushes Bronze Statues, Clooks, &c, &s. J_ Also, ', ' At the risk of a former purchaser- ' Drawing-room Suite covered ia Cretonne Easy Chairs and Small do., covered in Cretonne. DealTables -, ['' Carpets, Curtains, Tablecovers, &c. TOWNSEND k SON have received instructions to sell, at their Mart, ou Tuesday, January 4, at 11 o'clock- A Quantity of HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE and EFFE0T3, com^twing- Very superior Resewood Pianoforte Cedar Chiffonnieres and Shelves Chests Drawers Oedar Loo Tables Cedar Square Tables Dressing Tables Washstands ? -: Bedsteads and Bedding ? Horsehair Mattresses, Flock do., Feather Pillow*, ke. REMOVED TO TSB MART FOR CON VENIENCE OF HAT/K TO EVERYBODY. UNRESERVED SALE o» HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFE0T3. ProEpt Accounts and Cash Settlements, cvĪUCTIONS ? On TUESDAY, January 4. Auction Sales held every Tuesday, Thursday, o and Saturday. 356 4v LAUGHTON k C~O? ADELAIDE, BAT.RSMTty OF WOOL, HIDES. SO Magnificent Paddock-fed Bullocks, heavy weight*. to sell- 60 Prime FAT CATTLE, from hij Meniadie Run. 21cv On TUESDAY, January 4, *t 2 o'clock. For the convenience of Country Lota delivery will be faken at the Rooms. HOLD SALBS ? of WOOL, SHEEPSKIN3, HIDES KANGAROO and WALLABY SKINS, ani TALLOW, at the CORPORATION HIDE and 8K1H MARKET EVERY TUESDAY, THURS DAY, and SATURDAY, at 10 o'clock. January 5, at the CORPORATION NEW CATTLE YARDS, when we will offer 250 Head Prime BULLOCKS. OUR next CATTLE SALE will be held on WEDNESDAY. Fall particulars in future Advertisements. Choice Kaisows, Souchongs, and Fancy Teas. Giles k Smith, to Bell by auction, at their Mart, immediately on arrival of the vessel - A Shipment of 300 Tons of FINEST NEW SEASON'S TEAS, per K.IAS. LARGE SHIPMENT OF FINEST NEW SEASON'S TEAS, 300 TONS. IMPORTANT TO GROCERS, STOREKEEPERS, MER CHANTS, MUKBAY AND RIVERINE TRADERS, TEA - DEALERS, AND OTHERS. Andrews & Bonnin, Solicitors, Waymouth-street, Adelaide. The Property will be sold subject to a mort gage, particulars of which and of other matters connected with the property can be obtained on application to Messrs. Together with about 10 Acres of first-class Land, portion of Section 292, Survey B, sub stanti&lly fenced on three sides of the same. The House has bean quite recently renovated throughout. Underground Cellars, and Tank also, Storeroom and Man's Room, roomy Stone Stables, Coachhouse, Outhouses, &c, ke., &c. Smyth, Ksq-, situate on the GRBBNHILL-ROAD, consisting of Drawing and Dining Rooms, Hall, Bedrooms, Kitchen, Pantry. public auction, at his Land Mart, King William street, Adelaide, about the second week in Jannary, 1881- All that Substantial RESIDENCE lately occupied by R. BOTTING ? has received instructions to sell by. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEES AND WITH CONSENT OF MS.

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' Only three miles from General Post-Office ad mirably adapted for subdivision. SUBSTANTIAL RESIDENCE AND ABOUT 10 ACRES OE FIR3T-0LAS3 LAND, GARDEN, &o.

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BEAUTD7UL POSITION ON SLOPE OF THE HILLS. Further parliculus can be obtained from the Auctioneer. The above Land is well Fenced, sheep proof, and suitably subdivided.

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Hall, Esq., to sell, at the Adelaide Auction Mart, Xing William-street, on Wednesday, January 12, at 11 o'clock sharp - The following Property, compristng FREE HOLD and LEASEHOLD SECTIONS :- FREEHOLD. BOTTING jC ? baa received instructions from E. For further particulars apply to the Auc tioneer. There is a comfortable Homestead, Kitchen, Men's Hat, Stables, Woolahed, Dairy in fact all the necessary buildings and other improve ments suitable to a first-class agricultural and grazing property. The fencing is nearly all sheep proof, and it is divided into eight paddocks. B O T T I N G X? has received instructions to sell, on Wed nesday, January 12, at tha Adelaide Auction Mart, at 11 o'clock sharp - That MAGNIFICENT PROPERTY known 8* WEPOWIE, situated between the Townships of Pekina and Orroroo, and comprising nearly 6,000 Acres. BOTTING Ju ? has been instructed to sell, at tne Adelaide Auction Mait, This Day (Saturday), at 11 o'clock sharp - FANCY GOODS Tables, Chairs, ordinary and rocking Chests Drawers, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 drawers Elegant Sideboards Piano Washstands Fishing-rods Iron Trunks Sewing Machines. FANOY GOODS, CHINAWARB, CANVAS AND LEATHER BAGS. TO PARTIES ABOUT TO FURNISH, DEALERS, AND OTHERS. AgCTIOHB ? THIS DAT (Saturday), at 11 o'clock sharp.

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