Oxenfree switch users
Oxenfree switch users

oxenfree switch users

It basically just comes as a folder of both managed and native dlls you drop into your Unity project. So instead of using Unity’s Input class, you’ll use Nintendo’s Npad class to check the gamepad state.Fortunately, Nintendo provides Unity plugins for a lot of core Switch functionality.

oxenfree switch users

  • …but it makes sense when you realize what having so many different play styles implies.One button could mean a lot of things based on what play style you’re in.
  • You can’t use Input.GetButton().It’s kind of a bummer, (slide) but it makes sense when you realize what having so many different play styles implies.
  • I want to start by going over what Jo圜on support involves.Unity’s Input class doesn’t have support for the Jo圜on out of the box.
  • We figured that meant that a large portion of its user base spends a lot of time with it, and in turn they’re probably likely to buy a lot of games on it.Finally, the Switch has a lot of really unique features that we were excited to work with and do some creative things with. It’s been out for about a year and a half, but it’s in the same ball court as its competitors.
  • Ok but why really? Fanboyism aside, what were our business reasons for porting to the Nintendo Switch?For one, there are 20 Million Switch units out there worldwide.
  • No really, it’s Nintendo, why are we still here(slide) 3. Through a whole lot of intense deliberation, we decided that(slide) 1.
  • So why did Night School decide to go with the Nintendo Switch?It was a really tough question that we struggled with for a while.
  • They find their way to a cave by the beach and end up opening a portal to another dimension.
  • (our first game) …was Oxenfree.It came out in January 2016, and it was ported to the Switch near the end of 2017.Mechanically, it’s kind of like… the multiple choice story branches of Telltale’s The Walking Dead… meets the avatar controls of Limbo or SB:S&S.Narratively, it’s the characters and coming of age structure of something like Freaks and Geeks… meets a ghost story like Poltergeist.It’s a branching narrative game about a group of high school juniors who sneak on to an island in the pacific northwest.
  • And then I started at Night School Studio, and be the lead-or actually, the ONLY-engineer at the studio.But I have help now, it’s less crazy.This is a picrute of the studio shortly before Oxenfree came out, I believe.There were six of us, and since then we’ve grown to 12 full-time members.And at Night School, our first game….
  • Anyway, a quick bit of background about me.(slide) – I did a little QA at Square(slide) – Made a few apps at Disney Interactive.
  • Welcome! EtcHow many of you have shipped a game on the switch?…Working on your first Switch game?…About to start on you first switch project?…Have not but want to?.
  • Switch Porting Tip #5: Automate Build Tasks.
  • Switch Porting Tip #4: Consider Unique Features.
  • Switch Porting Tip #3: Consider Async Functionality.
  • oxenfree switch users

    Override void Begin(GameData data, PlatformController controller)Ĭlass SwitchGameSessionController : GameSessionController Override void OnControllerDisconnected(int id)Ĭlass AfterpartyGameInstance : GameInstance Switch Porting Tip #2: Use PolymorphismĬlass SwitchPlatformController : PlatformController.Be aware of certification requirements ahead of.Don’t get too comfortable in the Editor.(only if you’re just starting on a project) DialoguePackage (All dialogue text and audio, broken up into.ImageReference (All on-the-fly images like photos and letters).GlobalValueManager (Spawnable UI elements, props, other.Allows you to store compressed objects and.Gives you more control over when and how.Many small objects were referenced in levels… A “freeze-frame” effect during gameplay.After a scene load/unload (over a still frame).The nicer you are to the garbage collector, the shorter the hiccup will.You’ll probably always have a frame hiccup when you call.Make it a goal for zero garbage generation while the game is in an Big optimization saves: AI, fewer Update() functions.For a 2D game, we rarely waited on the GPU.Fortunately, we had already optimized for phones.Override bool GetRightBumperButtonPressed()ĭevice = new SwitchInputDevice(player, DeviceType.JoyconL) Option #2: Device Object (use this one)Ĭlass SwitchInputDevice : BaseInputDevice.Input.GetButtonDown(“joystick 1 button 0”) …and it’s really really cool to be on a Nintendo platform Bringing Supernatural Thriller, "Oxenfree" to Nintendo Switch

    Oxenfree switch users